Researchers across Europe are working together taking advantage of this instrument to show impressive results in a short period of time. The STSM coordinator of IG17111 Grapedia has strongly encouraged members to apply and benefit from such an experience!
Virtual Mobility (VM) Grants aim to strengthen existing networks by allowing scientists to foster collaboration in a virtual setting, to exchange knowledge, learn new techniques, disseminate CIG results, etc. The successful applicant(s) are selected to perform activities that do not necessarily require in-person presence. These activities may include surveys, questionnaires or preparation of protocols, workshops, virtual mentoring of activities that can generate capacity, build new skills, etc
Genetic improvement of fruit crops and sustainable biotechnologies - University of Catania (Italy)
COST Connect event on Data Sharing in
European Research Networks
On 27/28 April 2023, two of our CIG Team members attended the COST Connect COST Connect event on Data Sharing in European Research Networks event in Brussels, Belgium, to showcase GRAPEDIA and share experiences on data sharing with other COST Actions.
Plant & Animal Genomics (PAG) Conference
Dr. Aureliano Bombarely presented the Grapedia Initiative to the PAG community, 13-18 January 2023.
See more details here: https://plan.core-apps.com/pag_2023/search?query=grapedia
COST Connect Food & Agriculture Meeting
On 20/21 October 2022, our CIG Chair and Grant Holder Manager participated at this COST Connect event in Madrid, to showcase and share with other COST Actions the INTEGRAPE and GRAPEDIA projects.