
Grapevine Reference Gene Catalogue

The gene catalogue started, during Integrape and later Grapedia, as an initiative to stabilise gene naming in grapevine genomics and reflecting gene function information published in the literature. A large number of genes and gene families have been compiled over the years leading to a total of more than 3,000 characterised unique gene id and gene symbol pairs.

As of November 2024 we have a new T2T catalogue (v3) based on the new genome assembly and annotation (v5.1). This has been possible thanks to working out gene id equivalences between all previous annotations and the new T2T annotation (click here for details).

This ongoing effort owes a lot to community input. See the workshop tutorial and submission forms below to contribute to this resource so you can make sure that other researchers may use the same gene names as you!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you have recently characterized a gene or described a gene family (already published or accepted for publication) you can incorporate it in our catalogue. You can also submit corrections or additional information that you would like to add to already existing genes. In case your gene of interest is absent in the PN40024 genome assembly, i.e. a dispensable gene in pangenome terms, you can still added to the catalogue provided you provide its cultivar/species specific gene id, assembly and annotation versions.

This decision tree for gene catalogue additions will help as a starting point. Don’t forget the grapevine gene nomenclature guidelines further down the page when giving new gene symbols.

Please fill out the submission form below and send it to grapedia (at)

NOTE: Compulsory fields are shown in yellow. Refer to form example and guidelines for help.

Developed by David Navarro-Payá & José Tomás Matus (Coordinators of the Grapevine Reference Gene Catalogue Initiative).

Please cite: Navarro-Payá D, Santiago A, Orduña L, Zhang C, Amato A, D’Inca E, Fattorini C, Pezzotti M, Tornielli GB, Zenoni S, Rustenholz C and Matus JT (2022) The Grape Gene Reference Catalogue as a Standard Resource for Gene Selection and Genetic Improvement. Front. Plant Sci. 12:803977. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.803977

Please fill out the form, add your surname to the file name and send to grapedia (at)

The first online workshop on gene catalogue submissions was held on 20 and 23 October 2023. See tutorial and presentation within.

Note that the form example and submission guidelines are more up to date than the recorded video tutorial.

New T2T Gene Cards

The Gene Cards App serves as a hub for gene functional associations, represented as information cards with references and all the information from the most recent version of the catalogue which now matches the most recent T2T assembly and new 5.1 annotation. It also includes an interactive organ expression viewer thorough all SRA runs available.

Grapevine Gene Nomenclature Guidelines

With the objective of providing a high quality and highly accessible annotation of grapevine genes, the International Grapevine Genome Project (IGGP) commissioned an international Super-Nomenclature Committee for Grape Gene Annotation (sNCGGA) that developed a standard nomenclature for locus identifiers and conventions for a gene naming system for grapevine genomics, focusing on: (i) providing a common annotation platform that enables community-based gene curation, and (ii) developing a gene nomenclature scheme reflecting the biological features of gene products that is consistent with that used in other organisms in order to facilitate comparative analyses.
The recommendations are published in: Grimplet et al, 2014.

 In the manuscript, the link to the VIV catalog for species abbreviations is incorrect. Follow this one instead.


1- Check if your gene has been previously assigned a Full Name or Symbol in a previous work describing the whole gene family to which it belongs. You can still give it a name according to the phenotype or process in which it is involved and that you have demonstrated experimentally, but it’s recommended to search for these Synonyms.

2- The definition of a proper nomenclature needs to consider the level of confidence of the function as assigned to the full name (e.g. experimental validation in same or other species, role proposed by phylogenetic analysis, hypothetical function based in similarity to other species’ sequences, etc). See Figure 2 in Grimplet et al, 2014.

3- Use the convention for functional names and symbols proposed by the sNCGGA. See Figure 3 in Grimplet et al, 2014. Briefly:

  • Gene name based on complementation assays in other plant mutant species is allowed, however, please bear in mind that this doesn’t necessarily mean the role is going to be exactly the same in grapevine (maybe there are more roles or additional ‘evolved’ functions).
  • Gene name based on overexpression phenotypes in other plant species. Same recommendations as in the previous point.
  • Gene name based in overexpression, knock-out or silencing phenotype in grape: OK
  • Gene name based in QTL/mapped trait: OK
  • Gene naming based on phylogenetic trees: we recommend performing phylogenetic analyses using the complete gene family identified in grape and Arabidopsis (Maximum Likelihood is preferred over Neighbour Joining). A grape gene can be named as the Arabidopsis homologue if this relation is the closest compared to any other homologue/paralogue (orthologs one2one should be considered: the vitis gene is the closest among all the vitis genes for an Arabidopsis gene and vice-versa). Please consider methods (search for best fit model, consider only bootstrap values >70 or Bayesian probabilities >0.8). Letters can be added to the name (name1a, name1b…) if several grape genes show closest homology to one Arabidopsis gene.
  • Ordering according to the chromosome position should be avoided. It presents the disadvantage of being invalidated each time changes occur at the level of the genome assembly or when new members of the family are discovered.
  • Prefix Vvi should be used for Vitis vinifera (Vv prefix was originally created for the bacteria Vibrio vulnificus). For other grape species use this list.

4- There are 3 required identifiers for a gene (in grey/bold): -Locus Identifier (Locus ID): the unique identifier of the gene in the genome. This identifier is not intended to be related to a physical position on the chromosome. -Full Name and Symbol: refer to the description of the functional role of the protein encoded by the gene. The Symbol is a short abbreviation of the full name. To deal with pre-existing naming schemes we propose to add synonyms. These correspond to other types of names that have been encountered in the literature; they can be symbols or full names.