Engaging the community to participate in the Grape Reference Gene Catalogue
COST Beneficiary: David Navarro-Payá – I2Sysbio – Spain
Dates: 20 – 23 October, 2023

Description of the work carried out during the VM Four catalogue workshop sessions of approximately 2.5 hrs in length were held online, at convenient times for most grapevine researchers across the globe. The work done has involved updating the grape gene catalogue’s main vision to progress towards a pangenome catalogue, i.e. beginning to accept gene ids from other accessions when a particular gene is absent from the cv. PN40024 reference genome. Moreover, a set of written guidelines have been provided to describe the catalogue as a resource and how the submission process should be handled. Submission forms have been updated to streamline and refine the process of adding genes to the catalogue or modifying existing entries. Example catalogue forms have been also provided for additional clarification. Each workshop began with a powerpoint presentation and subsequent practical sessions that involved the creation of break-out rooms in the Zoom meeting to keep a good ratio of trainers and attendees. The practical side of the workshop involved helping attendees in the submission process with their own genes of interest as well as answering any questions raised and gathering general feedback. Sessions were recorded and the output video for one of them was trimmed to only show the delivery of the powerpoint presentation, which together with the slides is now in the Grapedia website (at https://grapedia.org/online-workshop/) as a training resource for the wider community. Description of the VM main achievements and planned follow-up activities The results of the VM grant have mainly been the improvement of the grape gene reference catalogue guidelines/submission forms prepared for the four virtual sessions held. With over 130 online registrations for the catalogue workshop, the presentation of the resource was a success. Over the course of the event, we have already received gene list submissions to the catalogue, reaching a total amount of approximately 100 genes. We expect to receive further submissions in the coming days and in the future. In addition, we have received invaluable community feedback that will help improve the catalogue and the submission process. The workshop presentation has been recorded and uploaded to social media platforms accessible from the workshop section of the Grapedia website that serves as a guide to any grapevine researcher. The different training resources developed for this grant are currently being shared through Grapedia to help as many members of the grapevine community as possible. |